Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Of False Starts & Rest Breaks

It kind of felt like a false start. If you ever ran track you know what that is. It is where someone starts coming out of the blocks before the gun goes off and everyone has to turn around and start over. Anyway, yesterday felt like that. Yesterday I sent my baby to kindergarten.

However, because our school district does a staggered start, she was back home today. This messed with me emotionally. I went through all the sadness of letting her go yesterday and then she is back again. I made up my mind to make it a low key kind of day, especially since she got up at 6am this morning. She played by herself most of the morning while I tried to get caught up on laundry and other stuff. I let her watch TV since she will not be able to when she goes to school all day. Then, just as I was heading to get some laundry, she walked up with a book for me to read to her. 

It was THE book. Until I read this book, I had been doing fine with her going to kindergarten. I thought I was ready. Then I got this book from the library on Saturday. I had checked out every book they had on going to kindergarten the week before, but they had just gotten this one in so I could not check it out yet. I placed hold and then went to pick it up when the girls turned in the final cards from Summer Reading Club. I read it that night and then gave it to my husband. We both got a little emotional. Instead of talking about what kindergarten will be, this book talks about growing up in the years prior to going to school (when you were one...two...three...etc). It is really cute. It reminds me that she is growing up.

So I stopped. We plopped on her bed and I read her the book. We cuddled. I chose to see her request for what it was. Not an interruption, but a rest break. A gift. A reminder that come Thursday she will not be there for me to read to during the day.

Today I am linking up for the first time with Tuesdays Unwrapped at Chatting at the Sky
tuesdays unwrapped at cats

Monday, August 23, 2010

Playing Catch-Up

It is very difficult for me to believe that it has been 2 years since I have blogged. I guess that life got in the way and I make no apologies for that. When I last posted our oldest was starting Kindergarten. Now she is in 2nd grade and our baby went to Kindergarten today. Time surely goes by quickly! I have gotten a lot of "what are you going to do with yourself now that all your kids are in school?" questions over the past few weeks. I don't really have an answer. I may try to find some sort of part-time work, but for now I am happy to be a wife and mom. A lot of "stuff" has fallen by the wayside over the last couple years. I really need to get caught up...

I feel like that is the story of my life...

Getting caught up...

     ...on blogging
     ...on cleaning
     ...on laundry
     ...on organizing
     ...on our scrapbooks
     ...on reading my Bible
     ...in my prayer life
     ...with my friends
     ...with my family
     ...with my life

sometimes I feel that I can get so caught up in getting caught up that I miss what is going on right now! I am resolving to live in the moment more often. Yes, I am still planning on getting "caught up" on my laundry tomorrow, but I hope that I can be more aware and willing to stop and enjoy the simple things along the way. Will you join me?